If this is not your first time sitting for PTE, you may be one of many that have tried and failed at this tricky exam. There are a few possible reasons why you’re not nailing it. And we’re about to break it down.
It’s tempting to think that because you already speak English fluently, and you do have good command of it, it’s safe to just wing it during the exam. “There’s definitely a high chance I’ll be able to bag the score that I need”, is a thought most PTE exam takers have regretfully had.
Sadly, most of these students panic when they are faced with the actual exam questions.
The examination situation is already tense enough as it is, but with the addition of unfamiliarity, it becomes almost overwhelming. It is no surprise that unprepared students rarely perform.
Because they are unfamiliar with the exam format and the exam questions, first off, they waste precious time in understanding exactly what the questions need them to do. Secondly, they lose marks, because some questions begin without cue and they fumble and miss out part of the question because they were not ready.
This unpreparedness is fatal in PTE exams especially because PTE is a very time sensitive test. Time management is key here and will be hampered greatly when a student is not prepared or not familiar with how PTE works.
Reason #2: Prepping in Non-Exam Conditions

Source: Tookapic
This second reason is one that is very counter-intuitive.
Picture a typical exam. It’s quiet, pin-drop silence, the ruffling of papers being the only sound you hear.
For PTE, it’s far from that. A PTE exam is a constant cacophony of chatter.
Why? Because everyone is speaking ALOUD, especially at the beginning of the exam, thanks to the Speaking section. Often times, you can most probably hear your fellow test taker answering their describe image questions in the cubicle next to yours.
And the exam facilitators don’t help much with this. In fact, they themselves may unknowingly add to the list of distractions you have to face. They will be walking in and out of the room, addressing the needs of other test-takers, looking over your shoulder, talking to the other test-takers. All this will inevitably get to your head, and disrupt your focus.
So that said, a PTE test taker should train their focus and resilience of attention beforehand.
How, you may ask.
Practice your questions in conditions that mimic that of the examination room. Perhaps at home, where you have family members walking about, carrying their own activities. Or in a café, where the constant chatter is a thing your attention must struggle to tune out, so that when you finally sit for that test, absolutely nothing will pull you out of your zone.
Reason #3: Answering Questions with the Wrong Angle

This is a blind spot we have when it comes to English exams. We think that there is no absolute ‘correct’ answer. In some sense, you’re right to think that, but when it comes to the way we’re answering PTE questions, there is a certain structure and method to it.
A lot of us think the answers we provide to PTE questions must be the best or the most accurate, when in fact, it may be drastically different from what the computer actually wants.
We must remember that PTE is a fully computer-based exam, meaning that the system has the final say, so your answers must be in line with the way the computer marks the questions given.
That said, it is actually crucial for you to approach a PTE centre or PTE tutor and request that they assess the way you answer PTE questions. Check with them if you’re answering the questions the right way and how you can improve your methods, because you don’t know how the exam works. But they do. So leverage on their pool of knowledge, instead of trying to figure it out for yourself, making hits and misses.
Treat PTE as Another Exam

Source: Pixabay
I guess what we’re trying to say is that we should start treating PTE like any other exam. Where you actually have to go for class, be taught the exam syllabus and format before sitting for the actual test. Don’t just rely on YouTube videos (though they can be extremely helpful at times). Get confirmation and assessment on how you’re performing, know the right ways to prepare for the exam, only then do you take it, so you avoid wasting time and valuable resources.
Thank you for reading this article, if you think you have something interesting to add to the topic of why you may not be performing in PTE, feel free to comment below! If you’re looking for PTE experts to consult, we’re right here! Email us your past PTE results for a FREE assessment!
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